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The Dish
What's new in the world of nutrition? More importantly, what's TRUE in the world of nutrition? With all the "avoid these foods to burn fat" lists and fad diets filling your feed, how do you know what works? The Dish is here to help!

Are Frozen Foods as Healthy as Fresh?
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A space to share some of my favorite foods, restaurants, and more!
Registered dietitian Nutritionists - aKA the nutrition experts

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Wondering "is coconut oil is good for me?" or feeling curious about one of the principals of Natural Biohacking? Ask your question here, and I will answer it on social media! Make sure to include your handle so I can tag you.
Start your day off right
Bomb Breakfasts!

Eat Well | Be well
reach Your Goals
be well
Being well is more than just eating well. Round out your healthy lifestyle here with Natural Biohacking tips and tricks.
Be Well
“My doctor told me- you have walked out of diabetes.”