How to Start Your Day for Success
Happy National Coffee Day, all! The occasion sparked my inspiration to write a quick post about how we can use our morning routines to set our days up for success. Let me know if you try this Natural Biohacking tactic and what others you want to learn about!
We all want to be like those people who jump out of bed, ready to tackle the day- but if you’re like me, mornings are not the most enjoyable part of the day. Especially before I had a morning routine established, I dreaded pulling myself away from my cozy bed to zombie walk through my first hour of being up. However, by putting together some simple habits, my mornings became much more alive and productive.
For me, a good morning experience starts the night before. I write out my to do list, plan out my day, and get everything swirling around in my brain down on paper so I’m not worrying about it in bed. I like using Dot Journaling or Bullet Journaling to keep organized. I used to lay in bed for long stretches of time thinking about what I needed to remember to do the next day, and I found that writing these things down and closing my notebook created a good separation of work and relaxation for me.
A week at a glance in my Dot Journal
Getting a good night of sleep is an art in itself, and I’ll cover more tips on that in another blog. For now, let’s move on to ways to start your day off right!
Get Light - Preferably Natural Light
Natural light signals to our brain to produce wakefulness hormones and stop producing melatonin, which helps us sleep. If you can, get outside - drink your coffee outside, or even better, go for a walk in the morning sun. Using a sunlight simulating lamp is another alternative if it is dark out when you are getting up or live in a place (like Seattle!) where it is grey and cloudy for much of the year. I use a timed light that turns on close to the time my alarm goes off. When I started doing this, I found it much easier to wake up and avoid hitting snooze again and again.
2. Review Your Plan for The Day & Write A Gratitude
Go over your to-dos and plan for the day so you feel prepared. I like to do this while I drink my coffee. It helps you feel organized and ready to tackle the tasks you have ahead of you. It also helps you avoid forgetting if you have errands or tasks that are time sensitive. I put both work and personal reminders in my Dot Journal so I have a full view of the things I need to do. While reviewing your day ahead, write down 3 things you are grateful for in your journal or planner. Expressing gratitude has been shown to decrease stress, boost immune function, and improve happiness- what a great way to start the day!
3. Do Something You Enjoy
Yes, I know, mornings are busy and it can be hard to imagine fitting anything else in, but even taking 15 minutes to do something you enjoy in the morning can have a huge impact on the rest of your day. It helps you reclaim the morning as a part of your own day rather than just a prelude to work. A fun activity can also do you double duty if you enjoy a walk outside in the morning or read for a few minutes under a sunlight lamp! Here are some activities to try:
Listen to music or a podcast you enjoy
Practice a hobby or skill (knitting, playing music, etc.)
Draw or color
Do yoga or stretching
Reflect while drinking coffee or tea
Chat with a family member
Go for a walk
Read a book
Which of these tips are you going to try? Let me know in the comments below!